Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Four Haikus Sake.

   Daniel Broadbent, Peet Singleton, Thomas Norman & myself recently formed a collective known as 5.7.5. The name is fairly self-explanatory... We write Haiku. Having developed as shared passion for this fading art form, whereby one is challenged to create a small clip of reality or summary of an idea in a mere 17 syllables and 3 lines, we set about a project. 
   With over 200 miles separating the group we met online regularly and conversed in conference calls, but never did we have the luxury of one and others presence. The challenge was to create 25 Haikus each. What each of us did with them was our own decision, the results of which we were astounded. 
   The only way to truly define somebody's creative personality is to give a number of people a blank sheet of paper and tell them to draw the same thing. No two results will never be the same, this is evident and effective throughout Four Haikus Sake.

For £4.04 you too can explore the creative instincts of 4 minds.

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