I recently received a brief stating that (amongst other things) we are to submit Art Direction proposals in a visual format to appeal to mothers between 24-34 and 34-44. A briefing session gave us helpful direction as to how one actually reaches a conclusion of what to include in a photograph such as; props, colours, lighting, location, time of day etc etc. It also explained how we justify these decisions based on research and investigation.
However, In commencing my research and looking down numerous avenues relating to motherhood, parenting and social networking (social networking is a key element in the brief), I found a plethora of parenting and parental guidance blogs. In browsing through the blogs I discovered 2 things; Parenting blogs are most often run by condescending, pro-feminist American ‘Moms,’ who appear desperate to iterate just how much they struggle to find time to keep such a wonderful blog up and running. I then noticed that; whilst the majority of these blogs are U.S.A based, the internet acts as a platform to allow individuals from across the globe to contact and interact with the rest of the world. Successful parenting blogs (or any other blogs for that matter) have stemmed from places as small as Hawaii (islandlife808.com) and have acheived the same level of exposure as blogs from New York (www.shescribes.com).
In relation to the brief at hand, I was trawling through an abundance of parenting blogs, trying to find one that originated in the U.K (Preferably Northern due to our client’s strong bond with Manchester). However, In finding no such blog, an apparent possibility emerged; Has the ease of globalisation provided by online platforms eliminated the personal identity that was previously provided by nationality? Would a blog based in Manchester, or anywhere in the U.K, be all that different to a blog based in Kuala Lumpur?
To elaborate, social networking allows anybody, anywhere to contact and share their own experiences, interests, styles etc with anybody, anywhere. Nationality specific trends, styles and interests are rapidly dissolving under the light of social media. People no longer have to remain influenced by what is around them, they can take influence from what is around anybody else.
Modernist Architecture such as Le Corbusier’s ‘Villa Savoye’ is a perfect example of a previous attempt at creating Globalisation or a ‘Global Good,’ However, cultural differentiation has always provided the barrier to globalisation. Nothing could be accepted globally as culture varied across the globe. However, if everybody in the world has the ability to inspire or be inspired by the rest of the world, does culture really put up that barrier anymore? Or is nation specific culture disappearing under the cloud of social networking?
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